Zsolt Remenyi Managing Director
Zsolt manages the team of programmers and web designers who assist publishers in defining and dominating their respective Internet niches. He is also the CTO of Pressflex's U.S.-based market leading blog advertising network, Blogads.com.
After graduating in Business Telecommunications and Multimedia at Hungary's top engineering school, the Technical University of Budapest, he worked on various web development projects including three years on the e-Learning research team at Vanderbilt University.
For more details follow him on Twitter or check out his Facebook page.
Tamas Decsi Chief Technical Officer
Tamas Decsi, a seasoned developer of Internet publishing services, joined Pressflex in 1999. Drawing on the talents and trends of Europe's most vibrant Internet market, Tamas leads Pressflex's crack team of programmers. After his graduation from the Technical University of Budapest, Tamas tackled a variety of Internet and software development projects including CMS development, online payment and ad management systems.
The OECD Observer magazine has jumped from being invisible to being highly ranked on the world�s main search engines. Pressflex has done what it said it would do when we teamed up in 1999.
Rory Clarke Editor, OECD Observer